Stuck Anger Management Clients

Stuck anger management clients denver littleton colorado

Are You A Stuck Anger Management Client?

Whenever I see a client who is not making progress, I ask them a simple question, “Are you working the steps?” Almost 100% of the time the answer I hear back is, “no.” These clients want to improve but they are what I call Stuck Anger Management Clients. They have the desire. But they are not putting forth the effort. Sometimes they say, “You’re right. I’m not following the steps. I’m not doing the work. But you don’t understand. My life is so hard right now.”

Its no different than when I am doing couples counseling or relationship therapy. If the couples don’t work on their marriage, the marriage will definitely fail.

Anger Management Simple Truth

Please understand. I don’t want to sound uncaring or insensitive here. But there is a simple truth. You will not get better if you don’t follow the steps, even if your life is tough. Alcoholics Anonymous has a saying that I think applies to anger as well: “The steps work if you work the steps.”

If you do the work, you will get better. If you don’t do the work, you won’t. Simple as that.

Two Kinds Of Anger Management Clients

I see two kinds of clients. The first group of clients wants to get better and they do the work. These clients see tremendous, mind-blowing results. You would be amazed if I told you some of their stories. They literally turn their lives around, save their marriages and their jobs. It’s simply amazing to watch, and one of the reasons I love my job.

Then there is the second group. The second group doesn’t really want to get better and they don’t do the work. They show up because they have to but they don’t buy into the work. They don’t engage. They don’t do the work. And these clients see very minimal progress.

You Have A Choice To Make

The choice is up to you. What kind of client are you going to be? It’s your time and your money, so I hope that you will invest your energy and give this your all. Anger management works if you work the steps.

Let me put it to you this way. I can give you a map of how to control your anger. I can teach you exactly what you need to know. I can show you exactly what you need to do. But you have to be the one to do it.

Do You Want To Control Your Anger?

At this point you should have a pretty good idea of how well this course will work for you. Do you want to get better? Are you willing to do the work? If so, and if you can back up your words with actions, then the future of your anger management success is bright. If you can stay the course, odds are strong that you will see dramatic changes in the way anger affects your life. And you will be the next success story that I share!

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