Marriage Counseling

Relationship Counseling Denver Littleton Colorado

Marriage Counseling Denver

Couples that experience out of control anger in the relationship often face future domestic violence charges, divorce, court ordered counseling, cost of lawyers, loss of friendships, and other negative consequences.  Often the triggers for anger come from everyday stressors like finances, kids, occupational issues, extended family, and especially past hurts and trauma.

Most people desire a satisfying marriage that lasts a lifetime. Yet couples marrying today have a 50% chance of getting divorced. Many couples that do not divorce wind up staying together, but remain unhappy and unfulfilled for years.

Anger Damages Marriages

The damaging effects of destructive marital conflict and divorce on spouses and children include economic problems, medical problems, spiritual and mental health problems. Can couples learn how to avoid the pitfalls, and learn to deepen and maintain love for a lifetime? Yes, if they work at it! The bottom line about any relationship that is having problems, is that needs are not being met.

Relationship Healing Plan

Your Counselor will teach you how to meet each other’s deepest needs, how to resolve past hurts, how to stop damaging conflicts and how to restore those original loving feelings.  Towards the end of your session, you and your Counselor will create a specific Action Plan that can immediately start turning things around.

We are considering divorce, can you still help?

Yes! There is reason to hope regardless of what has happened in your past–or for how long.

These are just a few areas often covered in Relationship Counseling:

  • stopping hurtful conflict
  • communication skills
  • financial stress and disagreements
  • how to forgive each other of past hurts
  • sexual issues
  • parenting differences
  • meeting each other’s needs
  • what makes men feel loved
  • what makes women feel loved
  • different parenting styles
  • how time is spent
  • how money is spent (not spent)
  • different spiritual inclinations

If you are wanting help with your relationship, our counseling center provides relationship counseling for couples. There are two ways to setup an appointment with one of our counselors: 1) Fill out the Contact Form and a counselor will call you with 24-hours; 2) Call our offices at 303-933-5800.

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